Purpose:  Recognition for Exceptional and Innovative Repair Projects in the Baltimore/Washington, D.C. Area

Project Eligibility Requirements
  1. Repair and/or Restoration must be the major aspect for the overall project. This is defined by at least 25% of the project costs being associated with the repairs and/or restoration scope of work.
  2. Repair and/or Restoration portion of the project must be performed, designed and/or supplied by an ICRI Baltimore-Washington Chapter member, in good standing.
  3. Project submitted for consideration must be completed between June 1st the year prior to the Award (2024) and by May 31st of the year of the Award (2025). A single phase of a long term project may be submitted provided it meets the above completion timeline.
  4. Maximum of one (1) award per individual ICRI Baltimore-Washington member or member-company with multiple submittals.
  5. The project must be performed in the Baltimore/Washington, D.C. area.  We recommend contacting Olivia Hancock (ohancock@etc-web.com) prior to beginning the submittal process to confirm your project falls within this area.
Project Scoring Criteria

A. Planning/Phasing, Design Issues & Project Administration (Maximum 30 Points):

    1. Scheduling – Describe project schedule in terms of night (or day) work to minimize noise intrusion; working around the building/facility’s peak operational periods; and climatic considerations (severity of the winter/summer, periods of frequent rain, etc.)
    2. Environmental Controls – Describe methods of dust, water (hydro-demolition), fumes, and noise control.
    3. CommunicationDescribe methods of communicating project information such as the schedule, impacts to the operation of the building/facility and/or the availability of parking, access or other coordination aspects to the facility users and adjacent properties.
    4. Phasing – Describe how the work for the project was phased and staged to optimize site/building availability, reduce down time, minimize traffic flow effects, and the effects on operational revenues during construction. Describe any unique aspects of phasing the project.
    5. Administration – Briefly describe any unique aspects of administrating the project, such as the type of contract quantity measurements, procedures, etc.
    6. Quality Control – Describe any unused quality control procedures, including testing, inspection, construction observations, warranties, guarantees, enforcing warranties and guarantees, etc.
    7. General Design Issues – Describe any unique features in the design of the project.

B. Structural, Architectural and/or Operational Improvements (Maximum 15 Points):

  1. Structural Improvements – Explain the original structural problems and the solution developed. Describe improvements incorporated into the project, specifically ICRI published standards and practices, to address existing structural shortcomings.
  2. Architectural Improvements – Describe any modifications/upgrades implemented to improve the appearance of the overall project and/or the components of the project.
  3. Operational Improvements – Describe any original deficiencies or shortcomings with the existing operational aspects of the facility/building and what modifications/upgrades were incorporated to improve such operations.
  4. Historic Restoration Considerations – Describe any historical significance of the project and/or elements of the project. Describe solutions, materials or other strategies specified, employed and/or accepted to address Historical Restoration Considerations and measures taken to ensure that the repair/restoration not detract from the Historical Fabric per NPS.   

C. Technical Innovation (Maximum 40 Points):

Technical Innovation evaluates the restoration design and/or the implementation of that design. Contractor implementation of restoration project components is an indication of effective quality control and pre-qualification requirements, and/or realistic project specifications. Implementation is also an indication of the successful construction administration and coordination by the design professional, and in some instances, the material or system manufacturers. Therefore, based on these considerations, document any innovations incorporated into the repair and/or restoration project, including the following:

  1. Accelerated Repair/Restoration Techniques;
  2. Logistical issues for demolition, shoring, debris removal, concrete delivery, etc.
  3. Complex Structural Repairs;
  4. Corrosion control measure, including cathodic protection systems;
  5. Waterproofing systems, including fume and odor controls;
  6. Substantial cost savings or cost effectiveness;
  7. Repair/Restoration materials or material suppliers of products instrumental in the success of the project, especially if they collaborated in the development of non-typical or unique repair/restoration measures;
  8. Other program specifics.

D. Costs (Maximum 15 Points):

Explain in narrative format the costs associated with the project and address the differences, if any, between the established budget, the actual bid/award cost, and the final project cost. Costs should not include costs for project design, land, or utility relocation. Describe any conditions unique to the project and how these conditions affected the final overall cost of the repair/restoration project. Indicate the effect that any structural, architectural and/or operational improvements incorporated into the project had on the cost of this project. Explain the cost implications of the aforementioned phasing design issues and technical innovations.

Submittal Process
  1. Submittal information will be available to Baltimore-Washington Chapter members and posted to the ICRI Baltimore Washington website by June 2025.
  2. Submittals shall be in the form of two (2) electronic PDF files. The first PDF file should contain the Part I information described below and the second PDF file (full color format) should contain the Part II information described below for distribution to the Award Judges. Hard copies of the submittals are not required this year.
  3. Project submittals shall be addressed and forwarded to:

ICRI Baltimore Washington Chapter Outstanding Repair Project Awards Program
c/o Olivia Hancock
Engineering & Technical Consultants, Inc.

  1. Entrants must have permission from project Owner/Client to submit project for the award.
  2. Project submittals will not be returned and may be used by the Baltimore-Washington Chapter for display at chapter meetings.

Due Date:  Friday, September 19, 2025 no later than 4:00 PM.

Required Submittal Information

Part I:

  1. The Part I information should have, on a single page:
  • Name of the Project
  • Name of the Repair Contractor
  • Owner/Owner Representative
  • Architect/Engineer
  • Material Supplier(s)
  • General Contractor (if applicable)
  1. The Part I information must also include written permission from project Owner/Client to submit project for the award. This could be in the form of an email from the Owner/Client.

Part II:

  1. The Part II information should have:
  • The Name of the Project along with City and State where the Project is located.
  • Overall repair/restoration project budget and duration.
  • A written overview/summary of the repair/restoration project not exceeding 300 words.
  • A written narrative/summary for each category of the aforementioned repair/restoration Project Scoring Criteria not exceeding 500 words per section OR 2,000 words total.
  • No less than 6 and no more than 15 photographs (8 ½” x 11” maximum size) showing before, during and after photos of repairs and scope of repairs. Individual photographs may be included under specific narrative sections AND/OR included as a comprehensive photo log.

NOTE:  All submittal information cannot contain any Company or product information, Company logos or any other identifying information except for as required in Part I to ensure judges have no knowledge of Companies or products involved. Judges will not have access to the Part I information.

Submittal Judging

Three to five judges, selected by the ICRI Baltimore-Washington Chapter Awards Committee and approved by the ICRI Baltimore Washington Chapter Board of Directors, will review and judge each awards project submittal.  Judges will judge and score each project submittal utilizing the Project Scoring Criteria. Scores submitted by the judges will be tabulated by the Awards Committee which will select the highest scoring project submittal for the award.  Judges will be ICRI members of record outside of the Baltimore Washington D.C. Chapter consisting of a minimum of one repair contractor, one material supplier and one engineer/architect.  Submittals missing any of the required submittal data will be penalized during scoring of the projects.  Judges will not contact entrants for any missing information.

Award and Project Presentation
  1. A $500 ICRI National Convention Scholarship will be presented to the entrant that has the highest project award submittal score and will be presented the ICRI Baltimore Washington Chapter Repair Project of the Year Award. Outstanding Project Awards will also be presented to the 2nd and 3rd highest scoring entrants.
  2. If the ICRI-BW Chapter 1st Place winner chooses to submit the winning entry to ICRI National’s Outstanding Concrete Repair Project Award Program for the following year, the ICRI-BW Chapter will pay the project’s entry fee on behalf of the winner.
  3. The winning project’s entry fee will be paid by the BW Chapter if the submitter chooses to submit the project for the National ICRI Outstanding Concrete Repair Project Award Program for the following year.
  4. The project award winners will be contacted before the end of October 2025 by the Awards Committee.
  5. Project of the year will be presented, in a 30 minute presentation, by the entrant during the 2025 ICRI-BW Chapter’s Annual Awards Banquet on November 6th. Second and Third place projects are to be presented, in 15-minute presentations each, by the entrants during the same meeting of the BW Chapter.  All other submitted projects will receive recognition at the fall meeting by the awards committee.