Purpose: Recognition of individuals who unselfishly volunteer their time and display the spirit of the International Concrete Repair Institute and the Concrete Industry throughout the Baltimore/Washington Area.

Submittal Process
To Nominate someone for the ICRI-BWC Service Award, submit his or her name, contact information and the kinds and types of service this individual has performed for ICRI-BWC and the local concrete repair industry.

Nominations shall be submitted to:
ICRI Baltimore Washington Chapter
Service Awards Program
Kevin Kline, EIT
Concrete Protection & Restoration, Inc.

Submittal Judging
Judges, selected by the ICRI Baltimore Washington Chapter Awards Committee and approved by the ICRI Baltimore Washington Chapter Board of Directors, will review and judge each Nomination. Judges will select the most deserving for the award based on pre-established rating criteria set by the BW Chapter Awards Committee. Award Plaque will be presented to the winning nominee at the Annual Awards Banquet.